How To install your Eachine ProDVR to your DIY FPV Goggles
the Best mini DVR video audio recorder for FPV multicopters
Using two Custom wires and of course, we show what you need and how to make them
You get a full review and install the live FPv Video recording device from banggood giving you good quality for the price is the best in the Rc Hobby if your cheap
For sale at banggood
Eachine ProDVR
Buy at Amazon
Eachine Pro DVR
What do you need is two servo Connectors and 3 video plugs two female one male some electric wire and lots of heat shrink to make it look pro in the end
Since we are Flying FPV outdoors with micro drones like the tiny whoop that have no 5v beeper making it super easy to lose them
Having a video record of the last few second that you can watch over and over again make's it easier to find the crash site and locate your expensive drone
Of course, there are many more reasons why you need a mini DVR recorder because they are mini my old DVR was at least 8 times bigger and a lot heavier
The size and weight of the eachine FPV DVR are perfect for FPV Goggles
having everything in a tiny lightweight box that you can stick on any small Rc plane or vehicle but personally don't recommend that placing on your goggles is better
This is How To DIY Rc wishing you happy flying
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https://goo.gl/PmPkm9Best comment
- jnb: Does it record audio?
- jon buckiflyer: Thanks. It was inspiration I got from your video that will now help me. I'm just learning. I hope you will go on to complete yours and I hope you will post your procedure. I will be looking forward so get started..
Thanks again, and Happy Holidays
Have Fun & Be Safe
- jon buckiflyer: Thanks. Just what I was looking for. I just got one of these DVR's & want to set it up like yours in this video. I wear glasses and tried a few goggles and can't wear them. I'm setting up my ground station.
Thanks again..
- IPHONE_PRODUCTION's 914: How To DIY Rc i can use a 3s lipo too power it up?
- Oki FPV: I think this must be a modified (& cheaper) version of the HMDVR, the software looks identical.
- DIY Rc: thx Kunal for watching and your comment Thank You!
- DIY Rc: Yes you need to supply the eachine ProDVR with 5volt you get 5v from a BEC come's with a JST Plug most of the times
you do need to know how to solder wires or else don't buy it!
- DIY Rc: I payd 8 bucks with discount lol
- KiwiWithRotors: Really good video. One question though. When you wire the DVR in series so you get the OSD, does that add any latency to the picture? Thanks.
- Explore The RC World: Thanks for sharing 😊👍🏻
- DIY Rc: +Ground Control RC thanks for watching and taking the time to comment Sir apriciate it 🖒
- jamich1: If you put it in the plane and loose it how you gonna play back what happened and where did you crash ? I record on the ground the latitude and longitude and this will help me to maybe find the plane. If you have recorder in the plane then you can say good bye to it when you crash few miles away from you. Do you understand now why is it better to have dvr recording on the ground ?
- Kunal Changoiwala: Totally Satisfactory Video..
- IPHONE_PRODUCTION's 914: Sorry i know nothing about electronic voltage and all that , this dvr dont come with a rechargeable battery? What do i need too buy u said something about 5v , and what connection does it have too come with ?
- DIY Rc: yes even a 2s check the link this is what you need https://goo.gl/5aDgse
- DIY Rc: Good question KiwiWithRotors
I while test it and shoot a vid about it... thx 🖒
- DIY Rc: a lot cheaper :D before this I got the C-DVR that cost more and video quality is really poor
- DIY Rc: because the drone crashes are pretty hard and happen pretty often
but thanks for watching and happy new year
- Ed Will: Always great information......
- Ground Control RC: Good tutorial! Thanks for the video.
- Oki FPV: I almost got the C-DVR, but i'm glad i didnt. The HMDVR has been excellent. The Eachine looks just as good. Amazing what you can get for $20!
- Thijs fpv: nice clear vid mate!
i finaly got my video in working :)
- Daniel Garrow: They made this thing small so you could put in in your aircraft and record without any static. But for some reason people like to record static on a ground station or goggles.
- Daniel Garrow: Why not wire it on the drone it's self and rid of the static
- DIY Rc: yes it those :D
- DIY Rc: well it´s very cool your building an FPV ground station
I try it once with a pc screen but didn't work you do inspire me to finish that project after 2 years
thx for leaving a comment ±D
- DroneMatesFPV: Thankyou earned a sub for this how to video.
- traci beacer: good man
- DIY Rc: Thanks Sir :D
- DIY Rc: Thank you, sir, highly appreciated :D
- DIY Rc: because it's not built very durable and quads and planes do tend to crash from time to time for that reason we keep them on the FPV goggles or ground station
- DIY Rc: Hahaha I'm glad to help you out my friend
the video in seems to give lot's of people problems and then they say it's the fold of the monitor but you never really see how they solder all together
I did and worked perfectly thanks for watching mate :D
How To Eachine ProDVR Installing into DIY FPV Goggles FULL Review |
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