Manny Pacquiao could face rival Floyd Mayweather in a mega event towards the end of 2019. Pacquiao has recently signed with Mayweather's advisor Al Haymon and is expected to face Adrien Broner before finally meeting Floyd Mayweather for a second time.
Manny Pacquiao is expected to win a Pacquiao vs. Broner fight, and a fight with Mayweather is looking ever so likely to happen.
Max Kellerman believes Floyd Mayweather has been subdued into a false sense of invincibility after easily defeating UFC star Conor McGregor.
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Best comment
- Will Givens: Say what you want spin it twisted play it backwards play it forward look at it through a microscope look at it through a telescope Evelyn Floyd Mayweather has Manny Pacquiao scalp and will do so again if they fight in 2019 Manny Pacquiao as I said for the last 15 years of more is a one-trick pony now he'll probably get past boner but what if he doesn't
- Vivick De: Floyd corrupt !all Judge's corrupt! That's why floyd win that fight..bullshit floyd Mayweather!
- Romick Nique: TMT you will go down..
- Will Givens: +Antonio Thomas making money enjoying his retirement while Manny Pacquiao is making chicken feed and begging for that retirement check that only Floyd Mayweather can give it and I hope Mayweather tell him to go fuk off Floyd Mayweather does not and never has needed Manny Pacquiao it's always Manny Pacquiao Bob arum and Freddie Roach that were throwing Mayweather's names out there so they could get rich off of his name if they were to fight Mayweather is still too smart for Manny Pacquiao I guess that's really what it boils down to he's too smart Manny Pacquiao is not that smart of the fighter he only has one style if you don't stand in front of him he's a frustrated clanging his gloves together he's only got one gear he only has one style that's the same style he's had for the last decade
- Jenalyn Sam: mayweather is not boxer mayweather is a runner not a boxer . Pacman is true Fighter God knows that.
- will guz: Wow you are the only one that found it to be a great fight like me. The 2 best matching athleticism, wit, and skill. 1st fight was a great chessmatch. Respect.
- Maynard Bernabe: fight again so that you will fair as boxer, oh my god be fair,
- Will Givens: Mr. Excuses
- Will Givens: Floyd Mayweather will always always let me repeat it again always out class Manny Pacquiao in the ring
- loyalty respect: Floyd is hated for saying he is the best, hated for telling 51 men in their face they cant beat him,and hated because he proof to everyone that he is the best boxer in the world of all generations to past and all to come.
- Gato Leon: Did pac man say he's Mayweather's death penalty
- yhel yhel: Tino Dela Cruz EXACTLY!!!!
- Erasyl Kadyr: +Carlos Valenzuela GGG 100% won the first fight. Draw might be discussed as a result of the second fight. But what we have nowadays in boxing is bullshit.
- Carl Brown: Don’t believe the hype it will be a one sided lacklustre that will gross millions for the two fighters assuming Manny will get past AB for those who want to pay to see it good luck to them but let’s be under no illusion it’s more about the money and adulation than the fight fans
- Will Givens: +brainfreeze you do realize I'm your father and I told your mother to abort you that you would grow up to be an idiot and here you are being a idiot
- Will Givens: Clearly Pacquiao won if you are brain-dead motherfuker he did
- Peterlou Verano: for me may weather record 49-1 ...
- Johnny Van Jr: 1:20 yeah let's gooo
- Jeremy Tucker: He didn't have a torn anything. He just lost. Its part of his culture to never accept accountability for anything including your losses. Every loss he and the people in his country has an excuse.
- ponteras ponteras: Its a clean fight here in asia if maywether wants to fight manny
- LLific Y: Now introducing, Floyd the hugger.
- Manifestacion Oscura: excuses, escuses and more excuses.
- VIJAY SAPKAL: Floyd was defeated by Pacquiao
- Jim Borghini: Gayweather
- Lisa Andrews: Texas Made Born N Raised pac man will not be beaten Floyd the DOPER/MARION JONES/ANGEL HEREDIA PED BITCH 👊
- Will Givens: +Dino Tube dude nobody wants to fight in Asia when will you Asians get that through your head even Ali Foreman and Frazier had nothing positive to say about fighting there subpar accommodations and nasty
- josh crawford: Can't wait.. will be fun
- Emil Barda: Millions of viewers believe that Pac Wins (so true) at thier 1st fight, for those who dont want to agree with it, just ask Floyd Dad he was there in Floyd Ringside and he saw what was really happend he even tellin to his Son to do better Boxing because he Saw that Pacman is fast for him and too agressive. But what Floyd Fathers didnt know about, that Floyd Fixer Everything before that Fight as you See those Judges decision and those ped Scandal after the Fight! Dont forget what Senior said to Him after the Fight " What ever happen i love u Son". He knew that Floyd didnt win that Night!
- D.I.Y Enthusiast by Pinoy: Guys please don't waste ur money, not again. It would be a boring fight again ,for sure. All you can see again is running, Hugging, head clipping from FM. That's all he did n d first fight. That's why the whole world is believing now that he's real TBE. The best ever runner, the best ever hugger, the best ever head clipper, talker, money maker. N Being TBE is undeniable
- Moped Zachary: I think it sounded funnier in his head hahaha. "there's a joke". the rest was totally intangible
- Boo Ya: +Will Givens .... so Tyson, Holyfield, Bowe, Sugar Ray Robinson didn't how to box? funny how floyd is the only faggot that fights like a sissy.... Remember, even GIRLS have more heart than your gay boxer.
- TruthSeeker: Mayweather is a punk for coming back
- Will Givens: That be the case play the tape the Filipino way slow motion forward triple speed backwards run around the block forward turn around and run around the block backwards touch your toes with your head then flip over and stick your head up your ass that's when you will know without a question that Manny Pacquiao won
- Arjun Ganapathy: Pacquiao's Shoulder Injury was reported i remember on 12th April 2015, I cant seem to find the Article,But that is no excuse,Floyd Won Easy and Will win in the Rematch also, and no matter what people say it'll be the biggest fight in Boxing.
- James Souza: I like floyd by late stoppage..manny has slowed down more than floyd imo..I know floyd is 41 and will be 42 when they fight but I feel his skills and lateral movement will be to much for manny. And it wont be a 1 punch stoppage...I think manny will take an accumulative amount of punishment with counter straight rights. Floyd by tko in 11
- Kahele Koki: Mayweather got the decision but I thought he lost that fight
- Christian Kalala: No that wouldn't be an interesting fight at all. Mayweather did his thing and out classed Pac Man. I wouldn't watch it PPV but I sure would watch it free. I wouldn't want to see a Canelo one either because Canelo will still get outclassed by Mayweather. Mayweather has nothing to prove to the boxing world. He's the man. What would be interesting since both of them want to fight Mayweather is a Canleo vs Pac man fight! I would pay to see that on PPV. LEt's see how Canelo deals with a fighter that's just as relentless and can through 6 lighting speed combos. And let's see how Pacman fairs with someone that can fight toe to toe and also has great counter punching.
- el el Batel: Hopefully roach is coach
- Frederick Jones: Edmel Castillo Aint nothing gay about that unless you already gay, I'm taking about being at your best on top of your sport or game Something is wrong with your thoughts
- Rotchman Bentulan: pacman is too old now but pac said age is just a number..
- matthew Swinnerton: Floyd is the G.O.A.T he can do what he wants. If they have a rematch it's because he knows it's another win and another big pay day. I think boxing should move on from these two now personally though and focus more on guys like AJ, wilder, lomachenko, Canelo, spence Jr. people who can carry the sport going forward, not circus fights.
- Paul Abellar: Manny Manny Pacman Pacquiao Let's go👊
- utterly crazy: May vs Pac 2 is going to be the best fight of all time.
- Allan Miranda: Really money making
- Revelation Five: i would love to see Marquez-pacquiao over these chicken runner gayweather boring figher of alltime.
- Kingladell Donaldson: 😃
- Will Givens: That really is Manny Pacquiao's Legacy that of a fraud and a liar and a user and unsportsmanlike conduct
- KA tropa pinoy: The same result Mayweather win😁😁
- Superfly09 Jz: Floyd record is beaten but manny is still the first and only 8 division champ
- Gwapo Bibong: Will Givens pacquiao may be a one trick pony but atleast he's not running all the time like a pony does.
- MAD MAN: Pacquiao in his prime was unbeatable from featherweight to welterweight. Even if you put a 25 yr. old Mayweather next to him.
- ponteras ponteras: Mayweather is a cheater bullsheet
- jamx97: +Will Givens Lol did you even watch the video I sent? That right there is objective evidence (truth) Pacquiao actually won the fight. You're right though, Manny came to fight and Floyd came to play his game of tag and run and STILL LOST at his game!
- Gugu: If you think that Pacquiao won the fight You DONT know boxing
- Jason Boyd: Dont nobody wanna see this trash again!
- jamx97: +Will Givens Don't get me wrong. Floyd does well against other boxers but against Manny he simply was too scared lol. Once again watch the link I sent. Also you can't just define boxing on your own terms. Boxing is a combat sport where the hands are the primary weapon and the goal is to nullify your opponent before he nullifies you. Moreover, Pacquiao is a better boxer. While Floyd grabs, headlock and runs, Pacquiao is slipping and ducking. Rarely do you see Manny grab people by the pussy lmfao
- curtis watson III: ' GET PAID ...
- jamx97: He ran, headlocked and hugged Pacquiao all night and still lost. Tap and run is Mayweathers motto.
- Sami: Very nice video. Good work !
- KETO Uber: honest.... run floyd run... is that honest... he is a master at his game.......... i could careless, just another rich person,, anyways
- Louie Marinda Jr.: just another Money Making event ... nothing to do with Boxing
- Joseph Minnifield: The people who are inspired by Manny Pacquiao's Legacy or the poor third world people who don't know no better and the racist people of the world they hate to see a black man successful those are the only people I would be inspired bye Manny Pacquiao even though a lot of his main fights with one under the influence of steroids he turned down $25 the first time to take a steroid test who wouldn't do anything like that
- Katelouie Cunan: Im from canada another Win for pacman
- Ivan ford Sasil: Mr.satan=tbe floyd kick Japanese kid lol. Great talent by 🍒 picking haha
- Ayd Tube: And wtf has Antony Joshua got to do with this video??
- Reinald Mondero: Will Givens Just keep sucking ur floyd’s dick or ur own dick and ass 😂😂
- Joey Esparza: I don't want to see this Bull Shit fight Floyd u want to come back make some real noise fight CANELO again pussy
- STEPHEN D'cunha: Mayweather vs marcos maidana rematch...also paquaio fighting conor mcgregor in boxing...also paquaio vs marcos maidana...let this fights happen...
- Jay Triskelion: Manny pacquiao is the highest IQ in the world of boxing.
- free Warrior: What a joke, two old ladies dancing! Probably both are broke by now
- Andre Williams: Picture Floyd holding a fishing pole Broner on the end of the fishing pole fishing for Pac-man,Pac-man eats Broner,We boxing fans take the bait,Then Money vs Pac-man 2 we want it.
- Wizard Dragon: Mayweather style of fighting is complicated u can’t even hit him He backs up and throws jab he not tryna get knocked out this doesn’t make sense
- Stefa Andysa: Pacquiao and maidana clear beat mayweather...
- Beto 21: Pacquiao will beat Mayweather if they are both in top condition
- Bazooka-Goes-Boom Kaboom: I dont want my money to go to waste hopefully Mayweather will actually fight not just jabs and points I mean actually fight by that I mean actually box as in his a boxer so please can you box a boxer for once.
- Mga ulol: Nice vid
- Luis Gomez: Floyd vs Crawford. Interesting.
- Deborah Ann: I sure will watch it they do! Any fight Floyd does I will .... absolutely
- Rafael Teran: Floyd is broke. He is looking to fight anybody!!!
- LA WiLL: Floyd they don't want you be undefeated! Do you see that? Fuck that fight ,You are the Champ always will be!
- Aimon Genato: Pacquaio won that fight against Mayweather Jr. Facts
- Kingladell Donaldson: Manifestacion Oscura long overdue
- Manifestacion Oscura: its time to make a new fight nitght for ps4
- Alice Escobar: I know Manny Pacquiao will killed mayweather for the rematch.Good rematch should be in Japan to make clean fight not bias no hugging, running 🏃 like chicken 🐔 mayweather are rudely and dirty mouth...
- Edmel Castillo: Floyd will fight roy jones next I'm calling it now.
- Dino Tube: It's time for Mayweather's first TKO in his career.. his fans will say, "his old, try fighting him in his prime"🤣🤣
- Reinald Mondero: Yao Kouei Saetern Another gayweather fan hey just have him blow job fucking gay cunt 😂😂
- brainfreeze: +FreeWorldTravel .TV 😂 😂 😂
- Art Forlife: All these haters dissing Floyd you mad because you hate seeing a rich black man live his life.
- Jay Triskelion: Dirty fight. Mayweather.. Manny pacquiao always win.
- jun cincojr.: let them do it in Louisville, Kentucky. two go around the track who runs faster and has more stamina. that will be a good match, just like the Kentucky derby.
- Jay Jay: I'm glad. Jim lambley and his HBO Floyd haters are no longer there
- Alan Maughan: Please no, the first one was crap, there is nothing to suggest the second would be any better yet they will both make another underserved fortune - wise up guys...
- Gamer Go Steady: Mayweather is a gg dude in the rematch.when that right hand of pacquiao will get healthy he gonna lose his 0.
- Jerry Daquioag: You are not the best gayweather you always run, Manny is the best period gayweather
- Joshua PH: But first? Get passed vs broner that's all
- Lucky Jazzy: Agree with you!
- Carlos Valenzuela: As much as I hate boxing due to its disgusting corruption, I gotta say, this fight sounds like it could be the biggest boxing match in history.
- PED: Why does people never see al haymon ?
- Jennifer Obrien: Mayweather is totally embarrassing the biggest chicken runner he doesn't fight proper boxer all he does hug and hug fuck him full of shit he will never go down to d history not like Pacquiao win or lose humble and real boxer he gave a real fight win or lose that's d fact!
- Bobby Cullari: Oh no! The last thing we need is another dull, dreary 12 round Floyd dance. STAY RETIRED!
- Asha Rani: Pac by ko
- Maria Zhecoslovakia: even mayweather will not talk you can see in his face that he is scared with pacquiao he knew deep in his heart and soul that pacquiao is the most feared boxer in boxing history because of pacquiaos power and floyd knew that it is impossible to equal and surpass the eight different weight division title of manny pacquiao, that no boxer will ever duplicate that world record of pacquiao until the world will end
- Joe Blogs: Think Mayweather is making big mistake taking on this rematch! Retire as a champion not second best 🤔
- Jjames James: eat our words nigga it took 5or 6years to fight him
- Lucky Jazzy: Too much talking Floyd why not sign and confirm your fight to Pac asap after PacBroner fight.
- JKS Animene: Mayweather run run run run run run away...........................like before
- Dino Tube: Will Givens "Floyd Mayweather stood right in front of Manny Pacquiao..".. I guess you're the only blind fool that said so.. but the million others saw Floyd on the run. "will embarasses ass??".. who ENGLISH you??🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Jei Mairuzu: If floyd really wants the money, the 2nd fight for sure he will let that ZERO go to have a 3rd fight. Now, for the 3rd match there will be an overflow of cash because that will be the final and last match between the 2 of them. Both manny and floyd will be laughing at the end of the day for having hundreds and hundreds of millions in the bank. This is just my opinion and could possibly happen.
- Louie Marinda Jr.: just another Money Making event ... nothing to do with Boxing
- Carlos Valenzuela: +Erasyl Kadyr I couldn't agree more, I think he won both fights, but fact of the matter is that when the spotlight was on him, he missed his shot twice at doing what he needed to dethrone Canelo, and that was to knock him out in front of the world on Mexican Independence Day/Eve. He can still do it though, we'll see what happens next year.
- maria torayno: Mayweather still keep on running the same way in 1st fight still not a good fight...
- April Glo: I'm the best I'm the best Shane to u black people
- Battista Verardi: I'm a huge mayweather fan but I don't care about this fight it's over. He needs to retire!
- Boo Ya: +Will Givens ....."it's called boxing part of that is moving & holding your man when necessary"... That's bullshit. Holding is ILLEGAL PERIOD.!! And running away from a fight or "moving" is cowardly. Floyd is America's Fake champion. There's NOTHING classic about his bouts because of the cowardly way he fight's. Black people ONLY support him cause's he's black.... so ANYTHING he does they have to make excuses. You know what's sad.?? Girl Boxer's have shown more heart & balls than Floyd, you all should be embarrassed, instead you cheer the sissy boy. (shaking my head & laughing.) NOTHING special or awesome about Floyd... you need to accept it, the World has.
- Aian Lacruzel: Pacquiao is probably the most cheated Great boxer in history. But Pacquiao also has a role to play in this, in that he didn't realize that Kenny Bayless has been a snake all this time. Well, you could say that Pacquiao has no good referees to choose from. Here's a list of all the works I know that happened against Manny: vs Barrera 1 (ref Laurence Cole) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtXTI_I3KAs&t=25s R1: Called a trip a KD against Pacquiao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtXTI_I3KAs&t=187s R6: Called a clear upper from Pacquiao, NOT a KD against Barrera. vs Marquez 1 (NSAC Mark Ratner) http://boxrec.com/media/index.php/Juan_Manuel_Marquez_vs._Manny_Pacquiao_(1st_meeting) Boxrec: "The third judge, Burt Clements, had a 113-113 tie. His scoring included a 10-7 opening round because, he admitted later, he did not realize he could give a 10-6 round. If Clements had scored the opening round 10-6, as the other two judges had, Pacquiao would have won by 113-112 on Clements's card and earned a split decision. 'I just screwed up,' Clements said. 'I feel badly because I dropped the ball, plainly and simply. You can make a lot of arguments that it was a very close fight, but that's immaterial. The fact is, I dropped the ball.' Marc Ratner, the executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission, ruled that Clements's admission was NO GROUNDS FOR A PROTEST." The Pacquiao-Marquez rivalry shouldn't have existed. vs Morales 1 (promoter Murad Muhammad) http://boxrec.com/media/index.php/Manny_Pacquiao_vs._Erik_Morales_(1st_meeting) Boxrec: "Less than a week before the fight, Pacquiao learned that his promoter, Murad Muhammad, had negotiated away his right to pick the brand of gloves he wanted to wear and gave Morales the choice. Morales picked Winning, which Pacquiao and trainer Freddie Roach later called 'pillows'. Japanese-made Winning brand gloves have the bulk of their padding near the fist, and Morales — with a history of brittle hands — preferred them. Pacquiao wanted to wear Cleto Reyes gloves, the Mexican-made brand with a reputation as a puncher's glove because the padding is distributed in such a way that the fighter's fist is not nearly as padded as it is in other brands. 'I would have liked to use my gloves,' Pacquiao said after the fight, 'but I had to go with what was in the contract.' Two days before the fight, the Nevada State Athletic Commission forced Pacquiao to take a blood test and an eye examination. The commission stated that Pacquiao had failed to submit to a mandatory medical examination within the prescribed 30-day period before the fight. Freddie Roach said Pacquiao had been examined at a California clinic on March 4, and the test results had been lost. Murad Muhammad had former FBI agent Warren Flagg call the doctor at the clinic and ask him to fax the test results to the commission. Flagg reported back to Muhammad that the examination had not been done within 30 days of the fight; It had been done in January. Muhammad was then accused of having the test results stolen. Shortly after losing to Morales, Pacquiao told Filipino talk show host Dong Puno that he felt dizzy and his head started to hurt after his blood was taken. The doctor told him to drink a lot of water, but he couldn’t because he was drying out to make weight. Pacquiao said he went into the fight feeling drained and weak." vs Mosley (ref Kenny Bayless) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1U5SFVRWY0 R10: Called a trip/throw a Knockdown. vs Bradley 1 (ref Duane Ford, judge CJ Ross) http://boxrec.com/media/index.php/Manny_Pacquiao_vs._Timothy_Bradley_(1st_meeting) Boxrec: "After the bout, in a review by five veteran judges commissioned by the WBO, Pacquiao was declared the unanimous decision winner. Nevertheless, the decision was NOT OVERTURNED and Bradley remained the WBO welterweight champion. (Boxrec shows a list of scores by different Boxing media) Among the experts above, 121 scored the bout for Pacquiao, 3 scored it for Bradley and 1 had it a draw. None of the scores for Pacquiao were offered by Philippine media. Two of the three scores for Bradley were provided by American media. The other score for Bradley and the draw were from British media." vs MayIVeather (NSAC Bob Bennett, ref Bayless, manager Michael Koncz; judges Burt A. Clements, Dave Moretti & Glenn Feldman) Pacquiao's shoulder's Toradol shot declined by NSAC despite USADA approval because of a mere clerical error, while MayIVeather rehydrated with an ILLEGAL IV drip in secret and only given RETROACTIVE approval AFTER THE FIGHT. https://www.espn.com/boxing/story/_/id/13621142/floyd-mayweather-took-wada-banned-iv-manny-pacquiao-fight-according-report and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_Mayweather_Jr._vs._Manny_Pacquiao Wikipedia: "After weighing in for the fight on May 1, Mayweather received an intravenous injection for the stated purpose of pre-bout re-hydration. The two IV infusions were administered at his home, amounted to 16% of the total average male blood quantity, and contained saline, multivitamins and vitamin C. The World Anti-Doping Agency forbids such a large amount of fluids entering the body before competition as a preventive step against the possible masking of performance-enhancing drug use. Bob Bennett, the executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC), stated that unless the IV was administered at a hospital, it needs to be cleared by filing a therapeutic-use exemption, and supporting documents through the Nevada commission and authorized by the commission’s medical expert. The Pacquiao camp had requested an injection of the anti-inflammatory Toradol for Pacquiao's injured shoulder before the fight, but was denied authorization by NSAC. USADA authorized both injections, but NSAC was not informed of Mayweather's IV until after the fight." http://boxrec.com/media/index.php/Floyd_Mayweather_Jr._vs._Manny_Pacquiao Boxrec: "Michael Koncz, Pacquiao's manager, told the New York Daily News that he was the one who did it. 'Manny didn't check the box. I checked it,' Koncz said. 'It was just an inadvertent mistake. If I was trying to hide anything, would I have listed all the medications on the sheet that he intended to use? We weren't trying to hide anything. I just don't think I read the questionnaire correctly.'" Wikipedia: "The Pacquiao camp had requested an injection of the anti-inflammatory Toradol for Pacquiao's injured shoulder before the fight, but was denied authorization by NSAC. USADA authorized both injections, but NSAC was not informed of Mayweather's IV until after the fight." So where's the penalty? Should've been declared a No Contest / Technical Draw. Instead, they gave MayIVeather permission AFTER getting caught, 2 weeks AFTER the fight smh. It must be known that even Boxrec hides how Floyd cheated with the IV drip. "America First" mentality IMHO. Not one warning from Bayless against Floyd for serial hugging and forearms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn69x-7ESkI http://boxrec.com/media/index.php/Rules_of_Boxing • You cannot hit below the belt, HOLD, trip, kick, headbutt, wrestle, bite, spit on, or push your opponent. • You cannot hit with your head, shoulder, FOREARM, or elbow. Pacquiao Interview on Mayweather: "He kept hugging me. I think he loves me." (just for lols) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtxVYhDwf9k A mere warning, not even a point deduction, would've changed the flow of the fight tremendously. And of course, the judging is controversial. Pacquiao could have AT LEAST left with a DRAW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcC9_cqy2L8 vs Horn (ref Mark Nelson; judges Waleska Roldan, Chris Flores & Ramon Cerdan, coach Freddie Roach) The whole fight is the proof itself. Mark Nelson's pointless first warning against Horn's MMA came at a very convenient R11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j07uqEiS1-M Let it be noted that Freddie Roach did not even protest against Horn's MMA.
- Jeremiah's vlogs: Look im a filipino but I would say mayweather won, pacquiao throw a lot of punches but it did not hit mayweather. Brain vs brawn Brain will always win👍👍
- Y D: 6:11 that's a lie
- Ricky Forever: Mayweather vs GGG come on!
- anthony ulang: You can’t win pacman his too smart and quick sorry I’m your fan.. but that’s the true
- Helen Holly: Did this lying cheat just say "an Honest person" he's unfuckingbelievable
- Sergio - If he dies, he dies - Ramos: Lol Mayweathers gonna win again and this time, Pac will complain about a thumb injury he never declared before the fight, he will also lose on punch stats like he did in the first fight and Pactards will call for a trilogy.
- DonnaZanJed: Alberto Villarama thats easy for mayweather,because pacquiao can woop macgregor ass
- QZM1: In Japan not in Vegas😡😡
- OneBadassCroatian: Yes, Canelo or GGG. Would love to see that.
- me rahul: Bhaaaa...
- Denzel 'My Nigga' Washington: The Fight Game - Fake news... That's not confirmed. Neither are the fight details. Nice try. Mayweather don't give two fucks about Pac... https://youtu.be/rsm9fz7wel8
- BeansOnTheCam: Lets do it
- Edgardo Arellano: But las vegas is always protecting mayweather and they will not show the public the result of mayweather drug test, remember when Bob arum asked for it but mayweather just paid to concealed it.
- Vgie Cordero: Mayweather is not a good fighter he is a good scaring fighter to Pacman. See he will not fight now, he will wait Pacquiao to fight to other then after that when Manny already tired it is the time he accept to Pacquiao
- Will Givens: This is what Manny Pacquiao fans do they put all of these lies and propaganda on YouTube knowing that that's exactly what it is all three judges have Floyd Mayweather win in this fight the record book has Manny Pacquiao losing and still you got you moronic Asians on here spewing lies and propaganda shame on you motherfukers but if it makes you feel good keep saying it because there is ample proof that you are a liar
- Will Givens: The difference is Mayweather invest his money and bought nice things for his self while Pacquiao patronize all the down trotted prostitutes while his people live and work in a cemetery
- KILL JOY BITTER: We are not interested anymore for maypac2..there is a lot of boxer out there that can bring us an hype like spence Jr, danny garcia, crawford and loma.. but maypac2 no way .
- Will Givens: You dumb m************ tried that in 2005 and I believe a little before talking about boycotting Floyd Mayweather's fights are you that desperate to boycott Floyd Mayweather's fight and put this fraudulent fake ass Christian man on a pedestal you're all appalling and no Wonder the Philippines is an island nobody fuking wants to go there
- Gobind Rawat: I will buy PPV even for 150 dollars.
- El Chido: No more no more fight Floyd go away.pac is true champion.
- Danny Bell: The amount of casuals in this comment section is beyond alarming.
- p. perez: Mayweather isn't stupid enough to fight Pacquiao in a rematch. Mayweather he already established himself as tbe and is retire 50-0 he ain't gonna risk that 0 to comeback nd fight an active Pacquiao when he hasnt even fought a real boxer in almost 4 yrs.
- Gin Masagka: I just love what Max Kellerman said. Hahaha
- Referee are damn idiot: Manny throw more punch ... Manny got Robb....... Hopefully it american won't do it again
- The Fight Game: Thank you for the kind words :)
- bandido: Let’s get ready to run.... i mean rumble...haha
- Darwin Francisco: and what do you mean? say it straightly... ^_^
- Mark Laorden: If it will be held in Las Vegas then it is going to be a fix fight.
- Maria Zhecoslovakia: floyd knew that it is impossible to equal and surpass the eight different weight division title of manny pacquiao, that no boxer will ever duplicate that world record of pacquiao until the world will end
- Will Givens: +MikeAlvaradoIsTBE you must be Mike Alvarado's bytch
- SocalBeautiful Gardens: Pussy mayweather, not a real boxer, boring entertainer. once he got out of boxing, boxing is making a comeback.
- Ricardo Garcia: Is it official or not
- Paul Buttler: Return of the midgets.
- Swopnil Deo: We all know floyd lost that fight before. 😒😒😒
- James Chiasson: Anybody that knows boxing, knows gayweather is better at beating up woman, money bought him all his wins against real men, he is a disgrace to the boxing ring
- Satoshi Nakamoto: excellent video best part was at 9.24min and song need a dollar
- Dino Tube: Will Givens "When will u Asians..". Hey idiot, I'm not Asian. When will u stop calling others "Asians" just cos they agree to a fight out of corrupted Vegas.
- Lash Coh: Not interested with the rematch, we already know the outcome, it's a boring match because of Mayweather style, not to engage to a brawl, running, clinching, hugging, pushing down Pacquiao head, and at the end Mayweather still claims that he's the best ever, even he's not shows a great fight on his all fights. By the way he already lost to Castillo, Dela Hoya and Pacquiao
- Luis Nunez: Manny got this!
- will guz: Nah, just have to know boxing lol
- Marcus Arriola: Sure Mayweather is a greatest and Pacquiao is a great fighter but both styles doesn't produce an entertaining fight. Remember last time.. I say GGG and Canelo 3
- achilles paul: Pacman already defeated gayweather crystal clear. If u don't believe then ask the world not las Vegas.
- Ayd Tube: There should be a rule in boxing if you retire you can’t come back!
- AZ Rivadeneira: Floyd wants to be remembered as an honest person. Wwhaaat?? What about the drugs he inhales before fights? Is that being honest?
- YusufLife: Rishi Dhokia Floyd needs Pac for money and Pac needs the W to relief the burn in his heart cuz he says i belive i won he needs Floyd to become the goat next to Ali
- Joseph Minnifield: And you are jealous because you can't even afford a watch
- Jeremy Tucker: Too bad the world has spoken. You need to get with reality like the rest of us.
- Insider619: Floyd is broke and only a Pacquiao fight will create the revenue to solve his problem temporarily.
- Eddie Figueroa: I saw that fight berto and mayweather., not worth the money
- adele alfaras: MAY WEATHER your money minded will stop your career! note my WORD ever one knows Manny Pacquiao won the first game!
- The Amazing Flip: Hey how about a thrilla in Manila ! #remartch #pacmanmayweather2
- Will Givens: Pacquiao has already stated that he needs that fight with Mayweather to retire which means he's broke and that's essentially a beg. Please mr. Mayweather I'm your friend Manny Pacquiao and you know I'm broke while I help my people a lot also spending a lot of money on the downtrodden prostitutes in my home country and it takes a lot to keep them in change but Mr Mayweather please help me out I'm Manny Pacquiao out and I'm responsible for this message
- rinnoboy1: let's get ready to rumble, Pacman is back in complete.
- Rick Perez: This will just be as lame as first one 12 rounds no one gets hurt but if he fights Canelo at 160 he gets kod 4 sure but he rather fight lil Manny ok or McGregor smh
- Jowill Jastin: I am Malaysian many pacquiao will win for sure.
- mako morales: If pacs vs floyd 2 happen.. buboy is the 1 who train manny no body else, for sure win.
- Reneboy Cabahug: If this happen there’s a big pay day again for sure
- Victor Valdez: My opinion on Pacquiao Mayweather 2 rematch I would like for Mayweather to stand toe-to-toe and fight Manny Pacquiao but I know that's not going to happen he's always going to run for my opinion I wouldn't pay to see again😵😲
- zandro villasenda: Their last fight should be draw.
- Marvin washington: Spence vs Crawford
- edgar campo: i want that fight will happen in our home philippines..
- The Fight Game: huh
- Will Givens: +will guz leave the crack house and put the pipe down
- Sergio - If he dies, he dies - Ramos: Why does his race matter ?
- TORVIC torvs-tv: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao 2, in Asia not in Las Vegas to have a clean Fight.....
- John Ly Dumangeng: haha grait manny destroy the beutiful ass of may
- Naistus Family: You see him in Japan?he lost muscle and he is not cut like last year now he looks his age out of shape
- Will Givens: I'm confused why is that a real fight wouldn't a real fight be with Manny Pacquiao and Canelo Floyd already beat Canelo and don't give me that crap he was Green the man had 40 fights under his belt but you always want Mayweather to go out there and fight someone that you think will beat him but you want Little Manny Pacquiao protected you don't want him to fight any any of these Young Bucks oh sometimes you say it Spence other guys but he's not going to those guys wouldn't murder his little ass he's 40 years old people wake up he's not the man he was and neither is Floyd 510 years ago but it's a fact that Brawlers like Pacquiao tend to take more punishment let me hear somebody say say Pacquiao Canelo oh wait could be reached but you and I know that Manny Pacquiao would never step in the ring with Canelo Alvarez and for that matter any of these other up-and-coming Young Bucks he likes his Fighters old over the hill once great maybe but now they're tomato cans and he can go in there and overwhelming the way to beat Manny Pacquiao and it's real simple just let him come at you and don't be there and Fire he's a one-trick pony and I've said that from the day one I saw him fight which has to be 15 to 20 years ago
- April Glo: Mayweather dirty fight I'm not exciting to watch u ever
- Alberto Villarama: +Goldstein Not interesting to see him in the ring.
- Brian Sanders: Another boring matchup
- Beasty 101: Kingladell Donaldson Gtfo Nigga
- KemicalKiddMUSIC: no, no, no, no, no... May vs Pac 2 is going to be the same thing! Everyone, including me, wants to see a "dynamic" fight but that will never happen. Floyd will never be the aggressor specially vs Pac. Matter in fact Floyd was extra careful the first fight. Plus in Vegas? SMH You cant beat floyd in that city even if your the aggressor and scored more points. You literally have to knock Floyd out but that wont happen because he's going to run around the ring. Long story short, its another loss for Pac.
- Razzle Dazzle: Nah. The last time pacman fought him it was a big disappointment. I am Pacqiuao fan but I don't mind him losing or getting knocked down like with JM Marquez but to see a boring fight like his bout with Floydd not very optimistic and not looking forward to it. Floyd's just about maintaining his title and his riches he's not a real boxer. Just imagine if Floyd get KO'd really hard do you think he will be as sportsman like to accept it like Manny? Manny lost from TKO and from KO but look at at him he is still fighting. To him it is what he really love to do. It's not a simple case of I want to be rich and stay that way. Floyd claims Pacquiao is not and will never be in his level well he's right about that because Pacquiao can't step down to his pathetic level.
- Jean Santiago: keep running
- TheFlyrodder68: Probably a better fight for the 2nd time. However, not going to pay the exorbitant PPV they'll charge. I'll wait for a youtube coverage, highlights etc.
- Jude Fernandez: @floydmayweatherjr. Excuses, excuses, excuses!.. Run floyd run!.. 😂😂 Your fucking COWARD!.. #FLOYDGAYWEATHER #FLOYDGAYRUNNER #FLOYDGAYHUGGER Better fight USAIN BOLT than fight MANNY!..
- Bad J Sarah: Maidana vs Pacquiao Or Crawford vs Pacquiao Para hindi boring ung laban.
- Will Givens: +Phil Zandrex Esperidion and proud to be a Floyd Mayweather fan someone who dismantled Manny Pacquiao and made him look like that amateur he really is he stood face-to-face with Manny Pacquiao and he didn't do shitt but every now and then charged at Floyd Mayweather like a goddamn Mexican bull he is nothing more than a one-trick pony brawler Freddie Roach knows that his pimp Big Pimpin Bob arum knew that that's why they only picked Fighters that would complement Manny Pacquiao Style Fighters that couldn't even get out of the way of their own feet
- Muslimbaconlovers Killallmusluma: Cant wait to see floyd school this fool again
- Will Givens: Seeing Floyd Mayweather make a fool out of Manny Pacquiao was satisfying because all his bich ass fans can do is come up with alternative realities lies falsehoods conspiracy theories Mayweather powerful enough to pay off the Nevada boxing commission the judges the referees Marques stepped on Manny Pacquiao foot Mayweather knew of his injury therefore he hit his arm repeatedly in the fight oh my God I'll be so glad when you people go away
- matthew ivan panes: Pacquiao must KO mayweather and practice the marathon style of boxing.. punch..run away..punch run away... eazy win heeh
- Randy Moadas: hey gay weather your not a greatest boxer of all-time you're a marathon runner
- Jhonnmar Langusad: I dont think pacman win in america because of the fucking judge🖕
- Janc Ok: 4:25 who is she?
- Will Givens: Look how stupid Manny Pacquiao looks in this video he's going to fight me he's going to fight me fuking moron
- Referee are damn idiot: Chicken ...😂😂😂😂😂 ...
- Jose Marie Claros: pacman already defeated gayweather!!!yall blind and dumb!!
- Lucky Jazzy: So true!
- Will Givens: Manny Pacquiao always has been a one-trick pony and he stays away from Fighters who are not
- Tony G.: Nigga BROKE.... NEED💰💰💰 Wake up people💯
- Soeresh Manohar: mayweather is a chicken
- Verna Scarlet Rochet: Suggestion Fight Outside Vegas!!!!
- J Mora: But do Mexicans still dominate the sport?
- Nheil Anthony Alvarez: pac eat gayweather again!!! venue in malaysia....
- ALLmasked: man manny laughing over a death of a person that could be innocent is oozing all kinds of serial killer vibes
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: Mike Alvarado is the biggest fight for mayweather. floyd is still ducking Mike Alvarado
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: pacquiao and mayweather are both scared to fight the King Mike Alvarado
- Reneboy Cabahug: I want to see again all legend
- Will Givens: So that means that Lil 3 ft 6 in midget is working for Floyd Mayweather what a joke you are Manny the weasel Pacquiao you are the one that's broke and need money even though you got your little trinkets over in the Philippines you ain't got no Hard Cash but the money man and help you out after all you've been riding on this coattails for a decade wow your pimp Big Pimpin Bob arum has had you bent over Pockets inside out legs spread in your pants around your ankles giving it up the old Bob
- dummy test: so these flomos just going to ignore the fact that pacquiao threw a lot of combinations while floyd used single jobs and a few rights yet the "compubox" had floyd throwing the most punches(total of punches thrown)
- Stone Walled: Any idiot that thinks this is an actual boxing match much be on that goodie goodie. If you’re paying for this fight you’re and idiot.
- Luis Enriquez: VIJAY SAPKAL amen
- CloudStrife: Pacquiao will get robbed again..Floyd also has the power and money to make himself win I wouldn’t be surprised..pacquiao has to knock him out...
- ajllaair: Floyd fight Canelo Pacquiao gets a rematch..?? Be a man, give Canelo a rematch
- Ad Ramiro Soriano: it could not be happened again because Mayweather doesn't want to happen
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: floyd retired from boxing because he saw a dangerous threat like Mike Alvarado
- Will Givens: There is only one person who makes excuses and that's Manny the fraudulent weasel Pacquiao. I'm scared of needles I can't be tested that was a lucky punch Marques stepped on my foot I hurt my shoulder Floyd Mayweather hit me on my shoulder so that was the reason I couldn't throw any punches like I wanted to the king mr. Excuses
- Lutab Khan: PAC man is people’s champ and Mayweather is all about pick and choose not the people champ and he call himself TBE it’s not abt money or not loosing you have to have the heart and fight any one who deserve the fight like GGG never duck no one Canelo also champ Canelo. GGG. PAC-MAN they are the champ true champ
- Lone Wolf: Hahahaha. Trash! I'm weak🤣🤣🤣🤣 anyone that still hyped for this nigga coming back is a fucking bitch. My hats off to him though for perfecting the art of manipulation psychologically. In other words making dumb fucks beleive and do what he wants you to believe and do. Hahahaha fucking idiots.
- Lucky Jazzy: Well FYI Pac just beat 1. Rios 2. Algeri 3. Bradley 1 ( BS judge decision ) 4. Mayweather ( Pac clearly won ) 5. Bradley 2 6. Bradley 3 7. Vargas 8. Horn ( Pac clearly won ) 9. Mattysee After he got knocked out by Marquez and all of those Pac loses came from biased decision which is Pac is the most robbed boxers in history. We all know that. It's a shame how boxing now is filthy and all about money.
- Julio Mayans: Si se hace la segunda pelea. Estoy casi seguro q va ser otro robo mas d Floyd y d los jueces.
- Will Givens: Sorry Sarah I definitely disagree with you the real fight would be for that weasel Manny Pacquiao who's only 3 ft 5 in tall to go after Canelo like Floyd Mayweather did but of course little Packy is scared and protective they got his name out there fighting everyone from 120 lb to Anthony Joshua Knowing damn well Pacquiao will never fight any of these Young Bucks if he was going to fight any of them he would have fought them 10 years ago he will continue fighting the softest over the hill tomato can Bunch which is what he's built his career up on even those great Mexican Fighters that he fought in the beginning they were already shot
- James Lecitona: Either Paquiao won it can be a draw... No to chicken run win...
- mobman1981: Mayweather is not man enough to fight Pacquiao in Manila.
- Will Givens: +Phil Zandrex Esperidion you punk asses say the same thing go stick your head in a filthy gas station toilet and flush until you are dead
- silent mental aporoach: Floyd will need steroids to compete like last time. He lost the 1st fight regardless.
- Jack Windensky: Mayweather is way past his prime. It was clearly shown in his last fight against Connor. At this point any more fights might as well just be exhibition matches.
- ** **: May W....will beat Pac-Man again...Don’t waste your money.
- therain maker: mayweather will still win because pacquiao will get bored in the ring. He will use his tactics again run & box then he will win thru score cards 😉
- Goldstein: Alberto Villarama and it’s official he’s fighting a nobody kickboxer from Japan in a boxing match New Year’s day
- ajllaair: 50-0?! Mcgregore doesn't count!!!!
- Jose Graugnard: I respect Pacquiao but Mayweather will most likely win......
- Cherry Pickfotos: Haha.. Now he have seen what manny's right hand did to Mathesse.... He dont want the rematch anymore.. Haha
- Alex Esmero: Mayweather vs a healthy Pacquiao is a different story. In their first encounter Pacquiao fought him with an INJURY (a torn Rotator Cuff which required SURGERY) and was denied a shot of an anti-inflamatory or anti-pain injection prior to the ring fight. In that fight Pacquiao fought with only 1 healthy hand (which is the left hand) and 1 injured right hand. Clearly Mayweather got an ADVANTAGE which was also leverage further by knowing about this disadvantage of Pacquiao before the fight hence Mayweather focused on attacking Pacquiao on his injured right shoulder or rotator cuff. THIS 2ND ENCOUNTER WILL SURELY TELL WHO IS REAL TBE "The Best Ever". And there are a lot more people around the world (remember Mayweather's popularity is dominant in the US and Pacquiao's popularity is a lot more as his fans are around the world) who believes in Pacquiao will win. Without any injury on both of them, all of us will now see who the real TBE is and it will the only 8 Time World Boxing Champion...
- big D: Why Mayweather won't fight Spence, Crawford, porter Danny, are Mikey, Garcia!!!! that punk may just want some attention!!!!
- Boxing Supraves: just shut up. back pedaling and hugging is not masterclass anything. Did you actually watch the fight, or are you just a black guy regurgitating the same shit
- Alberto Villarama: +RyzenKurt Ritchie Look at Pacman, he is unparallel to anybody but won't claim himself TBE. People knew Pacman has the right to claim such honor.
- Will Givens: Manny Pacquiao mr. Excuses
- John Ly Dumangeng: haha you fill me laugh pacquaio haha
- steveninthe: Pacquiao vs McGregor ...
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: Will Givens im just speaking the facts! Mike Alvarado is #1 pound for pound king!
- khim reyes: Hahaha realy joke? 😂
- The Fight Game: No it isn't? The plan was Mayweather tune up, Pacquiao Broner, then Mayweather Pacquiao 2.
- James Chiasson: Bullshit is all his record is
- Vgie Cordero: He win by corruption
- Andre Williams: Forget the Lotto if Mayweather beat the craps out of Manny he's losing this one Tbe my ass.Pac-man 2 and the new mark my word on this one.
- aqua man: Mayweather is not entertaining fight fans, why? Because looking back at the history in gladiator era, every fight fans want to see blood, everyone wants to see agressive fighters, and if ever someone keeps on running away from a fight they will be fed to a lion, which means only one thing fight fans wants exchange of fist, there are better fighters to fight pacquiao morethan this mayweather.
- Asger Høyer: Nice video :) I sure got hyped for that match to take place (again) :) I really hope they make the fight a reality.
- Peter Perfecto: The only way to defeat mayweather is a convincing K.O
- Aian Lacruzel: Why does Western Media have selective amnesia? http://www.espn.com/boxing/story/_/id/13621142/floyd-mayweather-took-wada-banned-iv-manny-pacquiao-fight-according-report -USADA (WADA) IV Rules https://www.usada.org/wp-content/uploads/General-Information-on-IV-Infusions.pdf WHAT’S THE IV RULE? • All IV infusions and/or injections of more than 100mL (~6.8 tablespoons) per 12 hour period are prohibited at all times, both in- and out-of-competition, except for those legitimately received in the course of hospital admissions, surgical procedures or clinical investigations, without an approved Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE). • If a prohibited substance is administered intravenously or via injection, a TUE is necessary for this substance regardless of whether the infusion or injection is less than100mL. • Infusions or injections are permitted if the infused/injected substance is not on the Prohibited List, and the volume of fluid administered does not exceed 100 mL per 12 hour period. WHEN IS A TUE NOT REQUIRED FOR AN IV INFUSION? • The following settings are not considered hospital admissions and an IV infusion in these settings would require an approved TUE IN ADVANCE (NOT AFTER): - HOME VISITS (MayIVeather did this) - Doctor’s office visits - Urgent care or after-hours clinics MayIVeather VIOLATED the WADA IV Rules. Therefore he also VIOLATED both USADA & VADA Rules. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -NSAC https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/NAC-467.html#NAC467Sec850 PROHIBITED ACTS; DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS > NAC 467.850 (c) Drug or injection that HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED by the Commission, including, but not limited to, the drugs or (intravenous) injections listed in subsection 2, in any part of the body, either before or during a contest or exhibition, to or by any unarmed combatant, is prohibited. (f) Prohibited List published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA, above) VIOLATION: 6. A licensee who violates any provision of this section is subject to disciplinary action by the Commission. In addition to any other disciplinary action by the Commission, if an unarmed combatant who won or drew a contest or exhibition is found to have violated the provisions of this section, the Commission may, in its sole discretion, change the result of that contest or exhibition to a NO DECISION. NSAC IS SHIT. Should've changed the marathon to a NO CONTEST. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -WBC (VADA) Championhip Rules http://wbcboxing.com/downloads/WBC-SYNTHESIZED-RULES-FOR-CHAMPIONSHIP-BOUTS-AL-2017.pdf Anti-Doping Tests. An anti-doping test will be performed after the bout. If any medicine was used in the last month it must be reported IMMEDIATELY. It is strictly prohibited to undergo any I.V. (Intravenous) rehydration process at any time. • Violations: Any violation of these rules may be cause for disqualification and/or suspension, fine, or other disciplinary actions at the WBC's sole discretion. WBC IS SHIT. Penalties are not set in stone and OPTIONAL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -WBA (VADA) List of Banned Substances http://www.wbaboxing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/04-WBA-Fair-Boxing-Program-Prohibited-List.pdf PROHIBITED METHODS M1. MANIPULATION OF BLOOD AND BLOOD COMPONENTS 3. Any form of intravascular manipulation of the blood or blood components by physical or chemical means. -SANCTIONS: Boxers who... whose results are positive in any of the exams, will have to face the sanctions established in the WBA Bylaws. http://www.wbanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/WBA-Rules-adopted-in-Bulgaria-6-11-15.pdf • Any fighter who violates this rule shall be DISQUALIFIED. • If the World Champion wins the fight or retains the title in a tie, and his test results are positive, the title shall be DECLARED VACANT and the challenger (whose anti-drug result is negative) shall fight against the Leading Available Contender for the vacant title. FLOYD SHOULDA LOST THE WBA TITLE. He didn't unify. But Floyd's a rich Black American so... WBA IS SHIT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -WBO (WADA) http://www.wboboxing.com/regulations/ SECTION 28. DRUGS OR STIMULANTS The use of illegal drugs or performance enhancing drugs or stimulants before or during the Championship contest by any of the contestants shall be sufficient cause for the DISQUALIFICATION of the contestant guilty of said use. The determination of illegal drug use or performance enhancing drug use or stimulants use under this Section or Section 19 (a) may be made only by the Host Commission for the Contest or the WBO Participant’s Licensing Commission if supported by test results by WADA, VADA or any internationally recognized anti-doping entity. FLOYD SHOULDA LOST THE WBO TITLE. He didn't unify. But Floyd's a rich Black American so... WBO IS SHIT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manny Pacquiao #GOAT Floyd MayIVeather 48-2 .
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: Will Givens Mike Alvarado is a king thats above mayweather thats why hes named with levels like pacquiao, and we all know pacquiao is a afraid of Mike Alvarado
- Jonathan Guzman: Nope!!! If this fight happens it's cool but not meaningful. If Mayweather wants to fight Kick Boxers and MMA fighters on his terms.. Cool.. But not meaningful. You want to pass the torch or fight in a boxing ring claiming your the best still it has to be against a real opponent.
- THE HIPPO: Remember MayMaidana 1? Cant say TBE if you got beaten but won. It’s an honest corruption.
- Neil Cava: Pac will retire floyd for good and maybe put him in the hospital if they rematch. That's why floyd is 2nd guessing his decision to rematch pac who after replay pac connected 120x to Floyd's 70 connects. Floyd also cheated with injected himself with massive IVs at home but didnt get caught cause he paid off USADA to give him a therapeutic exemption.
- Raymond Webb: Here's a fact Castillo beat him Oscar was a draw and Manny out landed him 9 out of 12 rounds so tell me who won that?
- Alberto Villarama: Thailand champ Wenayothin's 51-0 is better than Floyd. Wenayothin never claim he is the best.
- Chaz Tabing: We need a new Fight Night game more than MayPac2!
- Will Givens: +MikeAlvaradoIsTBE he doesn't need to fight Alvarado Alvarado isn't even in the ballpark
- RandomVidz.com: No one cares 🤣😂
- Kane Bang: Lol. Honestly taking ur money n never put out the show..
- majack blangka: Bore
- LEO VISTAL: 20 years from now mayweather will be broke as fuck....
- E2 M5: Pacqiao has NOT been the same since Marquez knocked him out. Mayweather needs to fight GGG or Canelo again. Btw, mayweather keeps wasting his momey, that is why he keeps making these shams of a fight.
- Boss Gelo: T-shirt of Floyd. 😃 4:28
- nick coronado: What happened to retired? I thought he had enough $.
- Roberto Vargas: Anything that has to do with Mayweather don't buy. This so called champion runs around and collects big money. Don't buy Gayweather fights! Waste of money everyone!
- LV A: That is defence not running, manny has no defenceif it was fight till the k.o him because floyd has defence, manny trow to many punches in the later rounds he would run out off breathe
- Will Givens: Is that clearly in that vacant area inside of your head
- Project War Nerve: Let’s do it... why not !! 🥊🥊
- Luke 0'Brien: This will never happen 50-0 is just too perfect to return
- Edgardo Arellano: Mayweather just used and manipulate pacquiao to showed up in japan to sold out their fight with japanese boy.
- Will Givens: Call him whatever you want but he's got a win over that midget and his scalp is on his belt
- Abdul Asif: For all the people saying Mayweather should fight Canelo, GGG, Spence, Lomachenko etc. Mayweather is 41 and way past his prime and he hasnt got anything else to prove. He deserves to fight whoever he wants.
- Jago Tonton: Champion of the belts vs. Champion of the people huh?.
- Levyiathan! 0918: If this happens the referee shouldn't be american or fucking BLACK there's clearly a favoritism when maywesther fight is always BLACK referee
- kayedee crankmaster: i dnt wanna watch it again if ever .. floyd fight is boring..
- Entertainment funda: why do people compare already beaten many times to the unbeatable?
- Jason Anthony: Boxing is now full of Coward champions harboring belts and "ducking" competitive fights so why not another dose of MayPac at least we know what we're paying for...
- Reykooks: A fight full of Bullshit!!...
- Nate Enciso: 1:21 He is so pumped when he realised he was going to fight Floyd.
- maya papotie: Mother fucker, paquiao is the best boxer than you mayweather.... puro pera putang ina ka
- Rick Perez: Can I get another pay day lmao yes because they was the easiest pay day of his career 12 didn't get hurt sure why not do it again
- Will Givens: You're one of those same motherfukers that said that in 2005 and your butt is still hurt
- Will Givens: Manny Pacquiao you don't know how to negotiate you just made yourself look like a desperate. By saying you couldn't retire unless you fought Mayweather for that payday do you realize what you just said do you you've never been in a position of strong negotiations anyway even when the fight happened in 2015 you were not in a position to negotiate strongly
- Abdul razaq: and he won again for running you are bullshit mayweather! no need for another fight that is bull shit its boring fight and if it will happen again.
- Marc Begino: You need to pay judges,referee and take another drugs to defeat pacquiao u idiot gayweather
- Will Givens: +jamx97 you're stupid and ignorant and a moron 2005 Floyd Mayweather made Manny Pacquiao look like an amateur and you mother fukkers can't accept it and I will not debate with a dumbass like you
- the BOOGEYMAN: it wont matter who wins the fight , but the fight should happen anywhere in this Flat earth
- kakgelo vilakazi: this fight will happen....floyed is very smart and had not STOPPED working out....he is coming for Pac...beleive u me.
- good nite: Mayweather scare!
- Joe Cruz: Fuck that fight canelo or ggg don't be scared
- Kim Asingho: I feel like they are just fighting for money now.
- Danny Oceans: Manny always fights the best what you talking bout boil?? +Killer Joe
- TKF: Kudos to this video's script writer, narrator, music/video production team. Enjoyed it from start to finish. Good quality in my opinion. It felt like I was about to watch the real match itself.
- Abcdefg: That's a fight to see ,
- Joy Abubakar: Floyd a dirty boxer, un profissional one, his not deserve for the pacqiao...
- birdsflying high: Definitely created by a Pacquiao fan. Floyd has established a legacy that will last for 100's of yours. Pacquiao is not the people's champ. Floyd is. Pacquiao doesn't inspire anyone. He got defeated, fare and square, no drugs, no PED's. He got beat. Live with it. Give Floyd the credit due to him. He's worked harder than anyone to get where he is. Period.
- Frederick Jones: Will Givens hate to see Blacks on Top
- Tino Dela Cruz: If this fight happens pacman will win and the third fight will be massive its all about the money
- Will Givens: There it is right there Manny Pacquiao is nothing but a another name on Floyd Mayweather's record
- Ridwan Chen: Chicken cherry picker weather
- Dark Forest: Pacquiao being ROB by Mayweather II...
- Ridwan Chen: Pacman is a legend you are not
- Tulay Baba: If Pacquiao only has a few fights left I rather see him fight Spence, Crawford, Mikey, Loma, Money May in this order. We already saw Pacquiao with Mayweathe Jr., we saw what Pacquiao can do to Floyd and we saw What Floyd can do to Manny... #PacquiaoGOAT
- Luis Gomez: And the highest ppv sales ever.
- Michael Lim: please make this happen as soon as possible, we the fans need to see it before it's too late. Can Pac beat Mayweather this time?
- Will Givens: I guess I'm answering my own question here why don't any one of you Pacquiao fans one Pacquiao to fight Canelo if Mayweather and Canelo could reach a weight so could Manny Pacquiao and Canelo if Manny Pacquiao wanted to take the challenge but he's not he doesn't want anything to do with Canelo or any of these other Young Bucks he likes week wounded cherry-picking tomato can opposition
- Francisco Ponce: Boxing should have it.
- Andre Baldwin: Damn! That’s a hell of a claim max! Let pac get pass AB first! I think Broner is going to give him problems
- TJ Roadryder: Floyd think his the Best but for all people think you're not and people say Pacman is the Greatest boxer alive today, why not fight Pacman in the other country because you're scared you'll lose? Best compare to Greatest it's sound more respectful boxer legend than perfect record for running and hugging...
- Vivick De: The world know that pacman batter tuhan floyd..floyd is nothing
- James Micheal: Pacquiao will win the rematch .The problem is not the fight to win .It's called cheating buying the Judges is the problem .How do you fucking figure the score Manny lands more solid punch against Mayweather still Manny lose the fight you can tell the Judges favor Mayweather even he lost that first fight .Do a slow motion on everything on that fight you'll see that Pacquiao lands more solid punches against Mayweather .and the slow motion Mayweather did not hit pacquiao .He hits him in the back those shots don't count.
- r: Manny won the 1st fight it's all about money that's why Floyd won
- Bonivie Ortiz: Mayweather's money are already spent out i guess
- Killer Joe: +Danny Oceans Oh?...Did he fight Terence Crawford? He's the best. No, Manny avoided Terence Crawford and fought Jeff Horn, who absolutely, without a doubt, is not the best. And when he was robbed of the decision by the corrupt judges, Manny actually looked happy. No doubt he was relieved at not having to deal with Crawford. Hey it's true, when Manny was in his prime he fought everybody. Manny took on all comers, and I admire him for that. but at this stage of his career he's just hanging around to fight other has been boxers, like Floyd. I guess he's taking a page out of Floyd's playbook and just playing it safe, and hey that's okay with me, but don't ask me to believe that a fight between these two would be nothing more than another boring 12 round exhibition match between two over the hill boxers. It's not worth my 70 bucks
- Casey Casper: I am betting on Floyd Mayweather!
- Payaso Eso: *will always outrun manny like a pussy ...
- Entoy The Dragon: Floyd did win. But man that was too many arm lock by Floyd.
- Vincent Laurence L. Yaco: Yeah 50-0. How about 8division world champ?
- Christine Joy Guillen: Excited
- Art Forlife: +Will Givens What the fuck are you talking about jackass?
- Eddie Walker: Easy win for Floyd. But if Floyd is in good enough shape to beat Pac, then he should be in good enough shape to fight Crawford, Spence, Thurman, or Porter.
- Joseph Minnifield: And when he talks about he's a champion of the people what people do Filipino people in third world people, he ain't the champion of American people African American people he's not the champion he sounds like a two-year-old when he talks and he not even is telogen as my eight year old and he boring and lame as hell Floyd Mayweather is great in and outside of the Ring Manny Pacquiao is great inside of the ring but outside of the ring you don't have no Style no finesse no nothing plane ordinary nobody outside of the Ring
- james brown: the money is never enough for you because you a gambling fool. You getting sued left and right i think oscar is right about 1 thing floyds broke maybe not flat broke but hes broke
- Edmel Castillo: What a gay comment.
- Lisa Andrews: You are my bitch Floyd !!! Loser! YOU WILL NEVER BE ON PAC MANS LEVEL!! YOU BACK DOOR RUNNING MFUCKA☑️💩
- JomanJoe Razonable: Excited to this rematch 😱👍 #ppv
- Isaac Assan: The salty ones were pacman fans who were disappointed that their wishes didn't happened that day And of course, that wishful expectations of those deluded pacman fans were that Floyd ll shit on the canvas! That wish was rather turned into bitter disappointment for the pacman fans when Mayweather not only school pacman but he made him look amateurish at times! It was a complete mismatch as pacman was breathing through his mouth in the championship rounds with Floyd tagging and slapping him whenever he deserves! Forget about the shoulder injury because pacman had his biggest round in the fight at the 4th round thru the so called injured shoulder!! Styles makes fight and just as Marquez said before the fight, Floyd counterpunches ll always be a problematic for pacman and he was spot on Floyd's mind is the data collection in boxing match and he already has a storage collection of Manny in memory and I can confidently say that, THIS REMTACH LL GONNA BE TOO EASY FOR FLOYD By the way, Floyd is older than pacman but in real life, PACMAN IS WAY OLDER THAN MONEY
- Will Givens: And you just keep on living in that alternative reality butthole
- Will Givens: Essentially he's working for Floyd Mayweather
- Will Givens: I know if you wear sunglasses are in a dark room turn the TV off and turn it upside down play the tape in slow motion backwards and fast motion forward clearly you can see Manny Pacquiao won the fight
- Jjames James: all I seen was running and hugging
- Joshua Smith: I will whoop you call you out mayweather I promise I ain't no joke bitch
- Raihan MDS Iqbal: Floyd vs Crawford vs spence vs Thurman.
- Maynard Acosta: Floyd was on drugs when he fought Pacquiao so that victory was nonsense after all even if you think he won by points. What do you think guys
- Dino Tube: Will Givens "PROOF" from Judges book in Las Vegas???🤣🤣🤣 A place where fighters gets robbed more often... Yeah sure buddy, why not comment back here again "after the fight" 😂😂
- Renzo Macasocol: "He's going tu pite me" 👍🏼🤞🏼🥊🥇🏆💵💴💶💷💰💎📡📺📸📹🎥🎇🎆🍻🍶🌎
- Practical Buying/Unboxing: Maywearther--> Athlete Pacquiao--> Fighter
- Edgar Sobrevega: Do it in Japan!
- freedomfyter: MP just don't fight in Vegas where the judges are bias and you will win the fight.
- Finding Jeru: Facts: FMW is a businessman and fights to earn money in his easy way. Dodges and be defensive until the match is over then gets his paycheck. MP is the real fighter who gives his blood and sweat to prepare for the fight and shows his skills in the ring. FMW has his money and good record. Record of what? It's empty. MP may have losses but people appreciate and love him more because of his dedication and passion for the sport. He gives everything when he's in the ring. FMW sits in his castle and when he's on his own, is he happy? It's so obvious on his interviews that he's not. He's always teary-eyed saying "is there's something wrong saying im the best?" Best of what? Pound for pound of? There's nothing to remember of him. People easily forget him after his retirement. That's why he can't help but comeback again and again. How about MP? He's loved across the globe. People don't want him to retire yet. He excites everyone regardless of the result. When he retires the world will miss him. Boxing will never be the same again. That's the reason why he still fights - for the people and to add more to his legacy.
- oilfield adventures: Anybody who pays for this fight is a fool
- donald luyahan: pacquiao youre not on my level??. WHAT?!!. cause fucking fraud chicken floyd XD
- Will Givens: He has a 50 and old record never been knocked out unlike Manny Pacquiao who has visit the Sandman on at least three occasions Pacquiao is the master of making a lot of moves in the ring that go nowhere and do nothing so you people think he's fast and all of that what he's just making moves he's not doing anything
- Alberto Villarama: +RyzenKurt Ritchie Although he is in Thailand same story he is still champ. He is not bragging coz most of his victims are unknown .
- Alberto Villarama: Growing numbers of floyd haters continue due to his due to his cowardice manner. He keeps bragg & yet so scared of pacman.
- Alberto Villarama: Floyd is looking an opponent similar to McGregor. He is only good for that kind.
- AZ Rivadeneira: The champion of belts is Pacman. He has 8 belts in 8 divisions. The champion of the people is still Pacman.
- Dino Tube: "Manny Pacquiao, you're not on my level".. you're right, he's on another level higher than you😁😁
- Waui Boy Reyes: Mayweather looked scared meeting PACQUIAO in California.
- y g: Floyd just wants another fight because he now c how much he spent on watch
- Erasyl Kadyr: Both GGG and Canelo are too physically strong for Mayweather. Canelo has progressed very much since their fight in 2013 and he is 13 years younger than Mayweather. I think he lost to GGG but shown that he is much better than few years ago.
- Jeremy Vega: Two 👑 of this era goin at it again would be great to see it again
- Magic Johnson: You are and always be a chicken regardless...you will be known as a chicken for rest of your life.
- Edfreeze Eeyann: Flyod's wanted to be remembered to be the honest person. I say BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha.. So lets forget all the shady I.V. method he just used before the fight and those paid judges, with the shady compubox numbers. Laughable
- John Rick: Pacquiao inspires the people in defeat or victory..
- Dul Lah: Im with pacquiao...
- AL Lee: So ladies and gentalmen. Does Weed the dope make the human more too now.
- Killer Joe: But they won't ride off into the sunset if the fight has a good PPV buy rate numbers. That's the problem with both these guys. They are both well past their prime and they won't ever fight a decent young fighter. They haven't fought a worthy opponent in years. Their fights are a rip-off to fight fans. Manny and Floyd should both just GO...AWAY!
- photographerjonathan: I would really love to see the rematch and I hope it happens soon.
- Trucker Dreadlocks: Bull shit
- MMANiNjA: idc manny didnt do his job first fight, he said he would break floyds def and if you say that you better do it. you play floyds game and stay in safe box then he will look good even if you hit same amount as him.
- G Dubbya: I say that because it has to happen. He's getting older and he's fighting for the wrong reason. Wrong because of his age but right for him because he NEEDS that bag. #rumored
- rohnel timbal: I wanna see Mayweather vs Pacquiao 2.
- TTG NumbaNINE9: I can’t wait
- Dexter Rojas: Maypac 2, my prediction myweather will have a head injury and will never step on the canvas again... 😁
- Will Givens: Keep living in the alternative reality shamefully you will die being just as stupid
- Fareast Oracle: How much do I care about this fight? I will wait for the highlights on YouTube and expect to fall asleep on it after 2 minutes.
- Will Givens: Busboy is nothing but a punching bag he's not a trainer or a workout partner
- raybitoy: If floyd loses (in which the only way he loses is by KO, IMHO) judging by his ego, i see him go into depression mode just like hatton.. so there may not be a 3rd fight..
- Will Givens: He's got a win over your God the holy man Manny the weasel Pacquiao
- Dlarezzle Guest: if mayweather lose this fight by manny pacman in pacquiao vs mayweather 2 i think weather will do a suicide to himself
- A Ql: *vs
- Vgie Cordero: Mayweather is so very lucky against Pacquiao because Manny is injured, look...Mayweather did not knock out him and he play like a chicken. Meaning if Pacquiao not injured for sure he will kiss the floor.
- lamberto amorado: Pacquiao vs Canelo will be better. Mayweather is a businessman not a boxer.
- MeLviN CaTe: pac beat mayweather in points in their 1st encounter... Just review the combo box each round! That is the truth!
- P Da Reaper: Please give us a fight night round 6 we need it boxing is fading and ufc is growing for no apparent reason we need boxing I repeat bring fight night back and boxing will Survive
- The Fight Game: Thanks :)
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: pacquiao and mayweather are still scared to fight Mike Alvarado!
- canapee Dayag: Yes floyd you are the chicken. 5 years when fight happen no excuse you will be knockout.
- Paul Lusi Perez: A lot of haters here man!!!
- Julio Mayans: Si se hace la segunda pelea. Estoy casi seguro q va ser otro robo mas d Floyd y d los jueces.
- Jay Tee: Looking forward to this. If you didn't appreciate how brilliant the first fight was then you don't understand masterclass boxing. Run it back for sure!
- Edison James: If Floyd doesn't want to fight actual boxers then he can get lost. He may have sold a lot of suckers the McGregor fight but he didn't scam me. No way in fuck I was gonna pay to see that and there is no way in fuck I'm gonna pay to see him fight a wrestler who can barely speak English. Fight Manny again, Fight Canelo again, fight Broner, etc. etc. or fuck off.
- Sarah Hatcher: Canelo vs mayweather 2 That's a real fight . Canelo only one realistically that can take away mayweathers 0 and ggg.
- DomYaBoi: Time to make a new fight night for Xbox one
- Alberto Villarama: Floyd become none sense fighter now ! Boxing fans throughout the world realize how deceitful floyd is. He's only after the money w/out satisfy ing his fight fans.
- Will Givens: +TORVIC torvs-tv whoever you are you're dumber than hell
- Yen Comilang: this is a RUNNING GAME again funny CUNT 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵
- Boxing Supraves: 7:45 pillow punches
- Packo_ Hubu: Excuses excuses excuses when PAC called u in year 2008 lol excuses excuses excuses
- Walter Edmund: I would love to watch
- Mumble Renzo: He's going to fight me?! Wohhhohhohohoh 😂
- Waui Boy Reyes: NOPE. MANNY is past his prime and is still wanting to FIGHT the best. MANNY FIGHTS "REAL" BOXERS in a "LEGIT" BOXING MATCH while Floyd fights MMA fighters.
- Joselito Giron: not interested!....
- The Fight Game: Thank you very much!
- Vanniboi SKULLTOwNSMAN: Take it down it's not happening..
- Alberto Villarama: Forget Floyd! He's so scared, Pacman challenge him infront of Japanese people but never accepted the challenge.
- Jessika Cardenas: ppl donating to mayweather deserve this scam ,biggest scammer of all time ,you guys complain about boxers not fighting the best but support this mf lol what a fucken joke
- Carlos Valenzuela: There's a reason why Mayweather-Pacquiao was the biggest fight of all time in terms of pay-per-views. The world knows and loves the story behind these 2, and they'll pay to see them fight again. I could see him fighting Canelo again if Canelo destroys his next opponent and then GGG in part 3, that'd be a huge fucking fight. He could've fought GGG but that 1 bs loss to Canelo has probably removed him from Floyd's list.
- Alberto Villarama: +RyzenKurt Ritchie Contrary to floyd, he keeps on boasting saying best ever & yet he avoid against great champ.
- gengar hide-self: and then what?? he canceled!!! bitch fuckin floyd all in his mind is money!!!!!!!!!
- Will Givens: Ali Frazier Foreman all fought under the queensbury's rules a boxing when they fought out of this country seriously no one wants to go over there to Asia and fight there Las Vegas will always be the mecca of boxing
- Denzel 'My Nigga' Washington: *PAC VS MAYWEATHER 2 IS OFF....* We knew that 2 weeks ago... why you uploading this??
- Reynaldo Jaleco: The running chompion in the ring is MW,
- Will Givens: You tripping Floyd I just heard some ridiculous s*** about this fight in Japan that you're walking back on
- The Fight Game: Mayweather Berto
- Texas Made Born N Raised: I think a maypac 2 fight would be a great ride off into the sunset for both of those fighters
- Feitan Channel: pacman 7 lose but respected mayweather 0 lose but not respected
- docstrange27: Wait a min did pac beat broner yet?
- Will Givens: Pacquiao look stupid in this video talking facts are he is essentially working for Floyd Mayweather now and he should be motherfuking glad he has a job
- Enteng Kabz: If old pacman able to solve "the problem" via tko, then think about those AB 3 losses... He never been KOd #livinglegend
- Dino Tube: Will Givens just stfu and go to SLEEP boy.
- Reinald Mondero: take some illegal drugs again and pay the judges to win the rematch with pacquaio 😁
- Jan Daman: I’m juiced for this fight. I can’t wait! Will be the biggest fight in boxings history! 😛
- Vincent Seguin: Lmao as honest person? Haha
- loyalty respect: there will never be another floyd in a thousand years
- Pedro Aguirre: chicken weather will lose again if he fight pacquiao, manny got robbed
- A Ql: A May be pac trilogy would make A lot of money.
- Robert Allen: The more rumors you make up about Floyd the better. He's a bum he's going to run he doesn't have it anymore. TBE fight hype. get that money up
- NinjaBro3000: Mayweather has too much confidence
- thomas fieberitz: the fight we want to see is ggg vs mayweather or loma vs mayweather
- Will Givens: +James Chiasson exactly Manny Pacquiao's record is b******* the foundation beat up old washed up once great Mexican Fighters other Fighters perfect for his style not to mention the ones that were fixed for him just like this eight-division that's a real stinky crap right there worse than all of that you're sitting up you're criticizing him and his record and he's got more money than you can imagine greatness Hall of Famer already established more money than any present day a flea or boxer ever made. Hate on motherfuker hate on he laughed all the way to the bank and back
- Tyrone Jenkins: No it wouldn't...No one wanna see this shit again but pacquiao fans who thought that he won in slow motion...
- Jiro the Shiba Inu: Mayweather said, If I fight Pacquiao 100x times I will beat him 100x. Yet he won’t give him a rematch lmfaooooooooo
- June Daniel Braza: Money Mayweather!
- Roland Lagare: must be good fighting again Pacquiao vs Mayweather will be held in Asia, not in America that satisfies all people in the world funds...
- Abu Ahmed ramez: Gayweather people will not remember u hahahahaha. Bro u are the biggest idiot i've ever seen in my whole life. I feel sorry for you. Pac man I will remember you no matter what cause your honest and people's champ..
- S̶e̶r̶j̶ L̶u̶i̶s̶s̶e̶ A̶r̶a̶n̶d̶a̶: +Will Givens fucking floyd dickrider
- The Fight Game: Not yet!
- Jerome Ninonuevo: Mayweather you know what your a joke nothing. You know yourself that u lost fight, cause the jugdes are under your payroll, specially referee Bayless
- prudhvi raj: Go pacman
- Pratyush Saboo: You baldy fuck off it is no dance you fatty
- The Fight Game: what?
- Fred franzis Rivero: Mayweather vs rounda rousey next
- MannyWitDatHoodie: Lmfao true boxing fans know pacman wont knock mayweather out
- jayson obias: Hindi mananalo dyan c paquiao .. takbuhin yan si mayweather ..
- Will Givens: Even if by some remote possibility they fought in Asia they would still be fighting under American boxing rules and some if not all judges and referees would be American
- Freon914: Maypac fight should be a trilogy.
- Bakuryo DaMole: why agree for a rematch of Maidana but pacquaio no???
- brainfreeze: +Joseph Minnifield - Floyd beat Manny. in total command. totally outboxed him. plain to see.
- Jiro the Shiba Inu: It doesn’t really matter how it turned out the first fight, a rematch is in demand by the people, people will pay to see it regardless. Look at Manny’s trilogies. What makes dollars makes sense is what Mayweather says. Or he really is just a pussy
- Virgilio Martinez: Ur still a chicken man...nyaahahhahahahhahahhahahahaahahahhahahahhahay
- Vgie Cordero: It's Mayweather! He will allow first Pacquiao to fight to other while he doing something set up to win
- Love Peace: manny manny manny
- k4n399: so if pac wants to fight gayweather, he has to fight broner first? thats hella unfair and fucked up. typical of gayweather. its like saying that gayweather should fight errol spence or mikey garcia or vasyl lomachenko so he can fight PACMAN TBE. fucking corrupt af.
- will guz: +Will Givens lol Pac would destroy the weightdrained version of Canelo Floyd fought. Bad example
- Jamar Ratcliff: Pacquiao can't fight. Mayweather will spank that ass once again.
- G Dubbya: Who cares! Floyd will lose, give an excuse, and fall out of favor. My opinion
- Dino Tube: Floyd is the thin version of "Butter bean" .... Not a true boxing champ but a JOKE.
- Boxing Supraves: no i can't. they're gonna be 40+ rofl. This is like old men hof fighting. get a grip dude
- Entertainment funda: he will humiliate the kickboxing kid in the same way
- will guz: Pac would kill a 165lb on fight night Canelo.
- Phil Zandrex Esperidion: Will Givens flomo
- Walter Murrison: Manny Pacquiao is the king of belts with 8 most in history
- Luis Morato: 2 clowns trying to make money
- JarecVU: +big D he's beating more hall of fam level boxers than anyone in history
- Sergio - If he dies, he dies - Ramos: But he beat him.
- jgatchal jgatchal: I think people are gonna get conned into paying 100 bucks PPV for the same fight. XD
- Alberto Villarama: Sèlf conceited blackman must be boycotted by fans if ever he has future fight. His 50-0 is fake.
- Golden 123: Dark Forest nah mayweather gon run again 💀💀💀💀
- Ebenezer Maniulit: Manny pacquiao should forget him .
- shinomar: Not in las vegas no no no...boxing is bs when floyd is on the ring .
- Wolfpack: Everybody knows that the Boxing comission is corrupt and MMw will win
- O.C.: Breaking News: No one is asking for this fight. The first one was so bad that all anyone is asking for is a refund.
- busby pero: I can't believe people are so stupid and desperate. I thought the whole purpose of watching anything is to be entertained. Well, can anyone name a single Mayweather fight that was exciting and worth watching twice? The guy is all safety and frankly he is too boring to merit another big fight. Stop buying into boring garbage just because there is someone hyping it. The first fight was so boring that not a single person I know said "wow, that sure was great, I can't wait for them to do it again." Yet here we are, entertaining another overblown, over paid so called fight. People are stupid I struggle to respect the human race.
- Will Givens: +Jeremy Tucker I've known a few flips there are strange culture and true they don't like to accept fault and I don't know how they got this opinion of themselves but they think they're the bomb news for you get on down the river in your bamboo boat
- Alberto Villarama: Best marathoner floyd, hugging hugging then claim he's the TBE. wahahaha
- Miguel Angel Hernandez: Well now we now this isn’t true
- Farzella Noyen: K.o is the only can defeat floyd.
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: They will always be known for ducking Mike Alvarado for years
- Referee are damn idiot: Floyd CHICKEN may weather...
- koro sensei: +Kingladell Donaldson and u are blacktard
- Terrance Thomas Sr: I don't know who's going to pay for that garbage s*** I paid for the last fight and it was garbage I wouldn't pay for another fight dealing with Mayweather unless it'sGGG are Carmelo that's the only way that clown would get my money👇
- Adam Novik: Mayweather is going to Asia next to fight.
- street funny moment: Pray for manny
- Kingladell Donaldson: Katelouie Cunan You’re English is trash so that means you’re a Filipino.
- Sayre Jr. Cabansa: Floyd just run and run
- ABG Channel: Pacquiao clearly beat mayweather the first fight mayweather and his dad both know he lost the fight listen to sr in the corner,plus the way those bias commentators was all for mayweather the way they was calling the fight you would think mayweather was beating the hell out pacquiao!!!all mayweather did was jab pac gloves hold and run get hit and act like he don’t pacquiao landed the cleaner and hardest and the most shots thru out that fight.pac therw a lot of combinations Floyd single jabs and a few right hands but yet compubox had Floyd throwing the most punches what a joke so if they got that wrong I’m sure the landed punches was as more one sidely wrong.
- Boo Ya: Who the hell wants to see a grown ass man RUN & HUG like a sissy for 12 rounds.??? There's NOTHING exciting about floyd's fight, (only his dumb fans think it's "genius".... smh)
- Killer Joe: 70 bucks to watch two washed up boxers? I'll pass.
- RyzenKurt Ritchie: Alberto Villarama he dont claim it coz he fights bums. Let him fight in america and dont hide his ass in thailand
- funtoy castrillon: ask canelo to go down to 147
- I LOVE JESUS: Another rob!!
- Sans the spooky scary skeloton: I’m pulling up to this fight front row
- Amen'o Genesis n Revelations: The Only One that can Beat Mayweather in One round is: the #LIONESS/DRAGONSLAYER #AMANDANUNEZ yessssss
- NinjaBro3000: Mayweather you’re not the best idiot
- randy abero: scared to pacman
- John Ly Dumangeng: haha grait manny destroy the beutiful ass of may
- frankiezzzzzz100: it wont happen cus mayweather already beat him
- Samuel Arriaga: This mother fucker will fight pacquiao one and more times now that the other dinosaurs is not on his prime they want to make millions on other show
- eric libron: The Fight Game its a waste of time to watch pac vs floyd part 2 we all know floyd gonna win UD if it’s in vegas! I rather watch Spence vs mikey.
- Will Givens: Unfortunately for you wisdom doesn't come with age and I'm older than you are but you obviously are Dumber
- MILA GRO: 1:25 nani?
- The Fight Game: So Pacquiao vs. Broner then Mayweather vs. Pacquiao 2? What do you guys think? I know a lot don't like the fight but it would be crazy it see it all over again, for one last time.
- big D: Mayweather Manny pac #2 for what???? Mayweather must be broke are something!!!! What the fuck this old ass nigga still fighting for??? to prove what??? Are this fool just want some attention because wilder is in the spot light now!!!! Ole jealous hearted ass nigga!!!! sit your old ass down somewhere nigga!!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁✌️ Yeah!!!!
- Will Givens: You know I don't believe you making a statement like that everyone knows Manny Pacquiao is the king of excuses I'm scared of needles I can't take that drug test I hurt my shoulder that's the reason I couldn't throw my punch Marquez stepped on my foot come on dude you seriously cannot be that goddamn delusional but then maybe you are the ignorant can be educated the crazy can be medicated but there's no cure for stupidity or stupid people like you
- Will Givens: Well why doesn't it say that Pacquiao beat Mayweather and don't give me that bull s*** about Mayweather being powerful enough to pay off judges referees and the boxing Department in Las Vegas that ain't even possible
- Daniel Bassit: let the fight on and dont be a chicken inside the ring show the people what is real boxing
- Will Givens: Pac tards are back more butt hurt than they were in 2015 all kinds of conspiracies Mayweather paid off the judges the referee and the boxing commissioners Manny Pacquiao head up shoulder injury but all through training you saw him throwing punches left and right rapid fire even when he came out of the tunnel he had his hands stretched up and was pumping and all through the fight he was throwing punches until the next day when he Freddy I'm dumb Roach and his pimp Big Pimpin Bob arum came up with a phantom injury
- A.D-B.C: typical bitch nigga mentality. He's been ducking the better half of his career. foh biatch. Fight a real challenge monkey
- Extraterrestrial Horse: +Boxing Supraves These old men could make you their bitch lasagna in mere seconds. OP is right.
- Ronnie Laxinto: pacman vs ab is exciting! but pacman vs floyd is boring,floyd afraid to fight toe to toe,so the fight will be pacman will chase while floyd will run, we pay just see floyd how he run!
- eric franza: pacman for the WIN
- Frankie Nichols: I like Floyd and pac....floyds skill and passion....and Pac with personality and passion
- Will Givens: +Gwapo Bibong hey Dopey Floyd Mayweather has already beat Manny Pacquiao and has his scalp on his belt you are afflicted with that dreaded disease stupidity and there's no cure go to hell
- Jhay Cecilio: Go for the 2nd time...
- Krisjan Alison Balan: As a Filipino, i still have a big respect to Floyd. He's totally one of the great boxers there's no doubt about that, but the thing is.... he will never be the true champion of the people's hearts.
- Champlife Boxing: even after all these yrs...a rematch would be the the biggest fight in the sport.
- brainfreeze: floyd will fight khabib, not manny. and then the mcgregor re-match. and the last hurrah against Ronda Rousey.
- Will Givens: +will guz man I'm telling you that Manny Pacquiao is one bad mother fuker he could take out Dante Wilder or Anthony Joshua I am sure they are Running Scared because Manny Pacquiao is the baddest motherfuker on the planet
- Phil Zandrex Esperidion: Will Givens no wonder you’re a retard
- Eutimio Farias: Mayweather 50- 0 I think he still got quite a couple more fights before he can break Julio Cesar Chavez record of 80 - 0 before he lost a fight for the very first time against Frankie Randall. But Mayweather is too old to beat that record
- Raymond Pascual: Never forgot the dirty sucker punch between Victor Ortiz and Mayweather.
- Kim Darren Salas: Agree if pacquio fights in america for sho he wil robbed again
- Anthony De La Cruz Doñe: Pacquiao el mejor
- Only One: I think this would be really good to watch them go at it again
- Alejandro Cordero: Floyd admitted to being a coward , a "Rich Coward" in his words.
- Steffen Jhorim: this fight is NOT EXCITING, Floyd is coward boxer,he never fight pacquiao man to man,he always run run run run run run run run, he is a roadrunner..
- Jr Smith: 4:05 guys who is fighting. ...???
- manos3790: A truly healthy Pacquiao stops mayweather. I've had a torn r/cuff and could hardly change gear in my car from 1st to 2nd gear without flinching in pain.
- Shawn Lee: Mayweather can beat all..well all except for Errol Spence Jr. Errol Spence Jr fought Mayweather in Mayweather gym and was getting the better of Mayweather ( I believe Errol Spence Jr was the sparring partner for Mayweather for the fight agasint Robert Guerrero) Errol Spence Jr was kicked out of Mayweather gym after the fight was stopped by Mayweather father... Imagen if the fight wasn't stopped and Errol Spence Jr finished off Mayweather by knockout ..just imagen the headlines that would had happened ..
- Francisco Tabuena: QUESTIONABLE RECORDS??????LOL!!!!!!
- Tolias Ioannis: they will never let floyd lose he is the golden fountain to the jew promoter . pacman is clean and doesnt work for them
- Chris Lupangco: Damn that fight.,,. I’ll wait it to appear in YouTube,
- SPEED UNLEASHED: He always says “excuses excuses” but always be “conditions conditions” 💤💤💤
- John paul Bautista: Boooooring fight for sure maymayweather
- MagnumDrex X: Word has it that he's the devil himself.
- Will Givens: When will the Filipino people stop lying to themselves and eating up this morons excuses for losing this fight
- Julius Wilfred Corral: Floyd is good boxer but not the best ever he has 6 defeats on his Amature... Manny is TBE he won 3 fighter of the year award, 1 figher of the decade and an 8 division world champ.
- albert bolonos: Money maker... Manny Mayweather .. easy work ..
- Rozayyy Sb: PACMAN > MONEY MAY 10x WorldChamp 8 Division Champ Fighter Of The Decade 60 W 39KO 7L
- Lisa Andrews: Pac man is healthy and Floyd is gonna the MAIN EXCUSE to be EXCUSED from being the dirty low down Angel Heredia >>Marion Jones > PED taking MF👊 welcome to PAC MANS WORLD BITCH👊
- HUGO c: Duerte will make sure Manny wins
- JarecVU: i think thats smart at the end of the day mayweather is the one that retires boxing not boxing retiring him. mayweather a boxer not a brawler
- Jerome Picardal: What a poor game for Mayweather. He paid millions in judges. All we can see for that fight for Mayweather is running and hugging what a poor Game.The best Game is for Asia not in Last Vegas. the World knows who win that fight.
- AL Lee: Prison doesnt change or make the Man more nor does steriod do. As FLoyd fears to act upon on an indivual. What a idiot. But, whatever guy. Your an American right. What a Foolish thing to do. To try to Fool the whole wide imperfect history world.
- Xavier P.: 1:23 lmfaooo
- milpitasko: Manny...a genuine boxer-fighter. Not from a pedigree.
- lub sarub: Maypac 2 wont happen, roach is not in manny's corner today gayweather plan is to cheat buying gameplan of his opponent gayweather team all know about that injury from the start
- Rishi Dhokia: So now he does want the fight !? LOL Manny should forget him.
- kage574: +JarecVU they don't know anything about Floyd. They just hate him because he beat saint Pacquiao almighty god.
- Noah Mungcal: Man Floyd watch ur rematch with Pacman! u look scared as shit everytime he comes to u! u ran, hugged and pushed him! and he still landed more punches than u! u retired 3 fucking times just so u can duck him! they just like u coz u know how to make money! but really Pacman can destroy ur ass if u fight him like real fight not no marathon and cha-cha shit!
- MikeAlvaradoIsTBE: Mike Alvarado is the biggest fight to make, theres more money on the table
- James Souza: Nobody wanna see ggg floyd 🤣🤣🤣
- Jaly Garcia: Pacquiao will win
- bert arcill: If that's going to happened it Should be in Asia not in Las Vegas..it should be a clean fight..
- Xab Vaj: Two Champ's may the best wins. No matter who lose they both will stay legends.
- Phooj Thoj: Different ref, different location, different judges, different results.
- David Medina: Wack a nother HBO robbery
- Myrna Belila: the way to win mayweather is to run 😂😂
- Sherwin Jasper Segovia: gayweather
- Nathan Webber: This guy is doing my head in ... Just retire old man
- Jerry Daquioag: Gayweather always run and hug
- Andre Baldwin: I’ll buy it! I’ll buy Broner vs. Mayweather also! I much rather see that one
- Reginald Haywood: Nope! If Floyd spent all his money!!! Then that’s just too damn bad! Now I will pay to see him get his ass kicked by Errol Spence Jr. that’s the only fight I pay to watch!
- Christopher Dignos: kung matutuloy ang pacquiao mayweather 2 ..ay maganda ngunit kung tatakbo lang rin ulit si mayweather...sa loob ng ring...mabuti pa..wag nalang wala rin yang kwenta..
- KUYA TSOY TV: And where will this event held?
- Vgie Cordero: Look the reply Pacquiao win not Mayweather. Why it is because of corruption...very clear the videos with slow moving then recount the score!
- FreeWorldTravel .TV: Ronda gets rear naked choke in the bedroom
Mayweather vs. Pacquiao 2 - "The World Stage" [Full Show] | |
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