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- tjmtrip: What climate change? You mean anthropogenic climate change? It does not exist.
- Mary Greeley: Not surprised. I was suspicious when two research stations burned down at the same time after the drilling into the frozen lake.
- bullmaster lyle: +Der Nachtmusik lets say if I was to shove my religion down the throats of others it would b with a little more zeal than I have restrained myself from here,, now to b fair to" my" religion as with all religions we/u r to proclaim our faith's to all we see, regardless if it does seem to "offend" or "convict" ,, then , because of the law of reciprocity, u must realize it offends believers when the "un" believers do what ever it is they do out of disrespect for believers, just being what ever they r, or objecting to the practices of others, which is n return is the same as shoving their "religion" or beliefs down our throats, so I must defend what I believe as u must, or we r not true to our souls or spirits, but if shoving means a skirmish or conflict or a war,, then im well equipped for either
- Alexander Maxhall: "Could be harmful" Why so negative in this world? humm? ;) it "Could be good virus" as well no? Suddenly we have humans and animals with super powers! :D
- YEEE: How big is this virus? 1inch?
- Bjarne Korsgaard: One day a microbe once killing like a pandemi might finish US. The Earth must have a naturel defense against the damaging human race?????
- Delthechef: Great channel awful voice over is it real??
- Auriel Tiltman: ^^^^^ everything written up here is one of the best ways to see that pretty much anyone continuously commenting on a post over 4 months really just needs to calm down. Dudes just respect each other! does it matter what someone from the other side of the world whom you will probably never ever EVER see in your life thinks? And you Christians, wouldn't it be rather a shock to discover that when you die there is nothing? I am honestly saying that I have died before. I had no pulse, my heart stopped beating. And did I see God? Was there a judgement? No. No heaven, no hell, no fire, no angels with white purity. Just blackness. And have you ever thought that maybe the bible isn't as holy as you thought? Maybe it was written by a bunch of high hippies talking out of their asses! you wouldn't know because unless there is living breathing proof, it could never have happened. and im not insulting your religion or beliefs, im just saying, think before you start telling people they're going to hell for thinking something that you don't.
- Mary Greeley: It is dangerous because the lake was frozen over before humans were here, so we have no immune system to these ancient virus and bacteria. I followed this for while. Thanks for the reminder.
- WWG1WGA: You are the dumbest person on this comment section if you actually believe that human beings are not the cause of climate change. We have giant holes in our ozone layer and major ice shelf meltage. You are worse than Arizona person with the bible. The only difference is you believe the propaganda of the Corporate World. Get real man and look at the planet. Shit !!! I was watching a discussion with Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss last night and the two of them were making jokes and ridiculing those who can actually say that we are not responsible for the climate change. The greatest minds on the entire planet are afraid that we have gone too far and passed the point of return. Some of them believe we are in our last century as a species. The fact that it would take the cooperation of every government on the planet to implement a "New Way" of living right now, means that we are doomed to dust. Do some research and stop spouting the opposite to the obvious.
- Sweet1002 AJ: Maybe it will start the zombies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to get food and water and a high place to live before we become zombies!!!!!!!
- LadyRabbit #78: +bullmaster lyle I dont think you should shove your religion down other people's throats
- WWG1WGA: +tjmtrip The earth and it litho,atmo, hydro and biosphere is a closed system based on the limited matter exchanged. If you can look at what is happening on this planet and believe for one second that human beings, from the time we began to burn coal on a mass scale to now, have not contributed to the warming of this planet,you are a delusional geophysicist. I have an IQ 12 points higher than Einstein. I am fully aware of the natural warming of this planet, but I cannot ignore the enormous contribution of man over the past 400 years. The fact that anyone can boggles the mind.
- gman10gs:
- The Rider: humanityi going to exterminate themselfes
- LadyRabbit #78: +bullmaster lyle Objecting to the practices of others isn't disrespect I shouldn't have to pray to your god to respect you. If that is the case you have to pray to my gods and goddesses as well. When I say shoving religion down the throats of others I mean denying the facts of other people and saying that your way is the only way and everyone else is wrong.
- David Rosas: ayo jomar shut teh hellz up.
- Kevin Bennett: Well I'm just a redneck from a po-dunk town in Arkansas but I have an IQ on the SB5 scale of 142 and the WAIS–IV scale of 133 and i think the Earth has a way of working things out and healing itself. Whether it be from a flood aka the story of so called Noah's ark or periods like the ice age, it is all part of a natural cycle of the planet. As far as god is concerned, I think god is whoever or whatever you hold as a higher power to help you through life. I think the Bible and it's teaching started off as a cult and just ended up making it big because the members didn't drink the "special" water!!!!!
- Dezmond Wega: 'AS IT WAS IN The Days' of NOAH - So SHALL it Be In The END TIMES' = Shalom >
- Marko Markovski: So Nice !!!!
- bullmaster lyle: +Der Nachtmusik we definitely preach blood and guts for salvation and holiness'
- will mendez: Exactly, where is he getting these figures
- Shiira Nakashima: This 30,000 year old giant virus was brought back to life cause of us HUMANs..
- DaSracasticFish: Atheist and Religious people can be divided into 2 groups, one that is open minded and respects the others opinion and the other who are closed minded. I am religious but I don't go around say you're all going to hell. And some of my buddies are atheist but they don't go around making fun of religions
- MegaGoldsun: pooh
- At the right time: Anyone else see the movie "The Thing"
- David Rosas: My mother in law is at least 3 billion years old.
- Yesha Zion: Wow! I saw this on tube but didn't watch .I will go back
- Christian Celeritas: Why don't you just narrate with a human voice?? This computer voice cannot inflect properly, cannot inunciate, or pronounce words properly, and cannot be understood half the time! It is frigging annoying!
- tjmtrip: +moondowg1-Farley & The Stooges Actually I am a geophysicist. There is zero evidence that man made contributions cause any sort of climate change. We've been warming for since the last glacial period, 22,000 years ago. The only way those "green house gases" demonstrate climate change is in a closed system. Even Venus' temps are entirely explained by atmospheric density, without any greenhouse feedback at all.
- M Rodriguez:
- William Osdborne: Good!!!!!!
- Crosby4hyg: So... Why are we trying to resurrect these insane virus's again?
- will mendez: The earth is 1,000,000,000 at least
- KlassiclyRevampT: No fucking shit aint gotta be a scientist to figuere this shit out. Thats why some shit is better left buried, but the greedy fucks want to swiss cheese every thing they see, damn dirty twats....
- Katia Mukami: well, that sucks!!!
- oldgateway: Those dumbasses always unearthing some bs. Somebody nuke Siberia now while we still have a chance. Send truthstone's monkeyass over there before you nuke it though.
- TheJetFighter: IKR! People have lost respect:/
- Abby E: Ok ???
- WWG1WGA: The earth is 4.5-5 billion years old, Period !!!
- XXXPEACEXXX7: Zombie Apocalypse here we come.
- gman10gs: +Joyce H this is one of the things Elohim told me about when I was a child. That they would be finding these and some will be very deadly.
- Arizona person: The world isn't more than 6000 years old. Stupid ass Evolutionary liars, fools!
- LadyDanielle Zana: The money disease has officially become a disease
30.000 year old giant virus 'comes back to life' could harmful to humans! | |
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Comedy | Upload TimePublished on 3 Mar 2014 |
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